Wednesday, 5 May 2010

How To Set Up Your Own Comedy Night

Unlike theatres, music venues and sporting events you can pretty much hold a comedy gig anywhere. Although there certainly won’t be that much money in the venture at first, it’s always a jolly good hoot to put on your night.

Not all comedy nights have to be like the flashy and expensive Jongleurs and Comedy Stores of this world. An intimate night of cheap thrills in a dingy basement can be just as fun.

In fact some of London’s most exciting and vibrant comedy club nights started life in small, intimate venues. Long running events like 99 Comedy Club and Knock2Bag are now franchises in themselves. So, at the end of the day, setting up a comedy night is pretty easy – but how do you make it successful? Follow these top 5 easy steps to organise the best independent comedy night in London.

1) Book a venue – nobody wants to be left out in the cold and this could take ages to organise so it should be the first thing on your To-Do list!

2) Get some comedians – Plenty of comedians just starting out are willing to perform for the cost of a pint. But be aware that if you want this night to be a regular occurrence, book good acts, or your punters won’t be back!

3) Promote, promote, promote! Get a press release, contact the major comedy sites with all your Bullseye – Digital Events Marketing tricks, start a Facebook page and invite people to your event, get on Twitter and just get the word out!

4) Invite some people – at least this way, if only 3 people pay to get in at least it will look busy

5) Have fun – this is your night after all. Enjoy yourself!